34th Annual Urayasu City Aikido Demonstration Syllabus (Kids)

34th Annual Urayasu City Aikido Demonstration
Sunday the 19th of May PM1~5 Urayasu City Gymnasium

Demonstration Syllabus for Ryu Dojo and Urayasu Branch kids class members.  

*To apply, please click the link below and fill in the online form (Japanese only.) The deadline for applications is Sunday the 14th of April.

1, Ukemi demonstration(All levels)

1. Zenpo kaiten ukemi; zenpo tobi ukemi 
2. Koho kaiten ukemi
3. Koho ukemi

2. Beginners Demonstration(Up to kids 6th kyu)

1. Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (1)  2. Shomen uchi ikkajonage (no pivot)
3. Shomen uchi ikkajo osae (2) 4. Shomen uchi tai henko kokyunage (no pivot)

3. Intermediate Demonstration(Up to kids 2nd kyu)

1. Shomen uchi sankajo osae (1)   2. Shomen uchi hijiate kokyunage
3. Shomen uchi kotegaeshi (2)    4. Shomen uchi udegaraminage

4. Advanced Demonstration (Kids 1st kyu and above)

1. Yokomen uchi ikkajo osae (2)    2. Yokomen uchi tai henko kokyunage
3. Shomen uchi nikkajo osae (1)    4. Shomen uchi shihonage kuzushi
5. Ryote mochi tenchinage (2)     6. Ryote mochi kokyunage

5. Pre-school Kids Demonstration

1. Seiza ho
2. Shikko ho
3. Zenpo kaiten ukemi
4. Koho kaiten ukemi
5. Hanmi handachi kokyunage (group training)