Aikido Ryu has a system whereby students can stay at the dojo and study aikido with Tsuneo Ando. Students stay at Ten Ryu Kan and take part in the everyday life of the dojo, training alongside Ando Senseiʼs apprentices. In this way, students can truly experience the saying that aiki soku seikatsu (“aikido and life are one”). Live-in training is for students who want to gain a greater understanding of the spirit of aikido and to improve their aikido technique.

Features and Facilities:

*Live-in students have the use of the dojo bicycles free of charge.
*Students have access to wireless internet (please note that the dojo computers are not available for use by students).
*Basic cooking facilities are provided for students wishing to cook their own meals.  
*Ten Ryu Kan is located less than a one-minute walk away from a convenience store, which sells basic groceries and pre-cooked meals.
*Ten Ryu Kan is equipped with a washing machine and space to hang laundry (please provide your own washing detergent).
*Ten Ryu Kan has shower and bath facilities. (Please note that toiletries such as soap and shampoo are not provided. Students should also bring their own towels.)
*The period of the stay may be from one night up to 3 months.

Communal kitchen.
Main living room.
The kitchen leads into a room with bunk beds and then into a larger living area.
QUALIFICATIONS Students must be 18 years or older, with some experience of Aikido. (Students younger than 18 years are permitted to stay as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Minors who are accompanied by an adult other than their parent or legal guardian are required to submit a letter of consent from their parent/legal guardian.)
COST ·       Accommodation – ¥2,500 per day (includes tax) for Ryu affiliate dojo members; ¥3,000 per day (includes tax) for non-Ryu affiliate dojo members.
·       Tuition – ¥3,300 per day or ¥33,00 per month (includes tax) for Ryu affiliate dojo members; ¥4,400 per day or ¥44,000 per month (includes tax) for non-Ryu affiliate dojo members. 
·       We can accept payment in advance by PayPal or on arrival by cash or credit card.  Please note that there is a 4.3% transfer fee when paying by PayPal.  Fees must be paid within 3 days of arrival at the dojo.
TRAINING TIMETABLE Ryu Headquarters Dojo offers up to 5 classes per day and can accommodate students of all levels.  Your personal training schedule will be set after discussion with Ryu instructors and an assessment of your level.

Click here to see the training schedule for Ryu Headquarters Dojo and Urayasu branch. 

*Students wishing to stay at Ten Ryu Kan should first fill in an online application below. *Applications should be submitted at least one week before the start of the planned visit (2 months for those students requiring assistance in obtaining a visa.) *After receipt of your application, we will contact you by email and inform you if your application has been accepted. Please note that in some cases extra documentation may be required.


    *Date of stay

    *I hereby confirm that all the above information is correct. I also confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions and that I understand that failure to abide by the terms and conditions may result in removal from Ten Ryu Kan. **If the check box above is not checked, you will be unable to submit your application.**

    Terms and Conditions

    *Fields marked with an asterisk are required.